Richardson does the same in Pamela, returning constantly to the same points over and over again with subtle shifts. It's an interesting technique but can be draining. I'm reading Tristram Shandy at the moment and the plot progression in that famously digressive book seems fast compared to Clarissa.
Hi Adam. I share your experience with Pamela, especially in the second half of the novel. I felt glad to have reached the end. It’s interesting to hear how Tristram Shandy compares. I haven’t read it myself but it’s been on my list for a while. I’ve been put off in the past by the idea of its many digressions, but if I can make it through Clarissa maybe I will try it next year!
Richardson does the same in Pamela, returning constantly to the same points over and over again with subtle shifts. It's an interesting technique but can be draining. I'm reading Tristram Shandy at the moment and the plot progression in that famously digressive book seems fast compared to Clarissa.
Hi Adam. I share your experience with Pamela, especially in the second half of the novel. I felt glad to have reached the end. It’s interesting to hear how Tristram Shandy compares. I haven’t read it myself but it’s been on my list for a while. I’ve been put off in the past by the idea of its many digressions, but if I can make it through Clarissa maybe I will try it next year!